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Medical Services

Halitosis -- known as bad breath to most -- is an embarrassing condition that can affect anyone at anytime, and is caused by several factors. The most common causes of bad breath are preventable and

Tooth erosion can cause mild dental problems, from tooth discoloration to sensitivity to more severe dental problems, such as indentions in the teeth, severe tooth sensitivity, and even cracked teeth

Tooth erosion is the wearing away of tooth enamel by acid. The enamel is the hard calcified tissue that covers and protects the outside of the tooth. It is also the hardest substance in our bodies.

From a broken tooth to losing a tooth altogether, a dental emergency can happen anywhere, at any time. It is very important for everyone to understand what needs to be done if such a problem occurs.

When you have a toothache, every movement, thought, sound, even touch, can be overshadowed by throbbing pain. If you have a toothache and are not sure what could be causing it, continue reading. Here