T.C.M. practitioners use a variety of therapies in an effort to promote health and treat disease. The most commonly used are acupuncture,massage,cupping and traction.
By stimulating specific points on the body, most often by inserting thin metal needles through the skin, practitioners seek to remove blockages in the flow of qi. Other T.C.M. therapies include moxibustion (burning moxa-a cone or stick of dried herb. A plant or part of a plant used for its flavor, scent, or potential therapeutic properties. Includes flowers, leaves, bark, fruit, seeds, stems, and roots., usually mugwort-on or near the skin, sometimes in conjunction with acupuncture); cupping (applying a heated cup to the skin to create a slight suction); Chinese massage; mind-body therapies such as qi gong and tai chi; and dietary therapy. Health benefits of acupuncture include relief from chronic pain, arthritis, anxiety, insomnia, depression,migraine, nausea, postoperative pain and obesity. Acupuncture is one of the most widely used alternative medicines throughout the world, and in simplest terms, acupuncture is the practice of penetrating the skinwith small needles at specific points on the body. This stimulates certain nerve endings of the body, and can relieve a wide variety of health conditions.
Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Massage therapists typically use their hands and fingers for massage but may also use their forearms, elbows and even feet. Massage may range from light stroking to deep pressure techniques. While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage helpful for: pain(neck pain, lower back pain, muscle pain,.etc.), stiffness, blood pressure control, digestive disorders, constipation, sports-related injuries, boosting immunity, stress, managing mental fatigue, anxiety and depression
Despite the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, some people enjoy massage because it involves caring, comfort and relief. However, massage isn't a replacement for regular medical care. Let your doctor know you're trying massage and be sure to follow any standard treatment plans you have.
Cupping therapy
Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine in which cups are placed on the skin to create suction. The cups can be made of a variety of materials, including: glass ,bamboo, Earthenware. Cupping therapy is used to treat: blood disorders such as anemia and hemophilia, rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia, gynecological disorders, skin problems such as eczema and acne, high blood pressure (hypertension), migraine, anxiety and depression, bronchial congestion caused by allergies and asthma, varicose veins. cupping therapy can reduce pain and inflammation throughout the body. It can promote mental and physical relaxation and well-being.
The goal of traction is to reduce pain to assist the patient to become more functional. Therapy should be relaxing - not cause additional or new pain. Therefore, the initial session of therapeutic traction typically uses less force or weight during distraction (pull away). The therapist carefully follows cues from the patient relative to their tolerance level, which includes bodily positioning.Techniques applied in spinal traction are dependent in part on the patient's physical condition, disorder, individual tolerance, and the spinal level(s) to be treated. Application of traction may be manual, positional, or mechanical. Traction may be applied as a continuous force or intermittently.