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Medical Services

Breast disease and Mastitis

Dec 1, 2016Posted by nameless

Breast disease

Most women experience breast changes at some time. Age, hormonal changes and medications may cause lumps, bumps and discharges of breast.

Minor and serious breast problems have similar symptoms. Although many women fear cancer , most breast problems are not cancer.

Some common breast changes are:


Breast hyperplasia

Breast cyst

Breast fibroma

Breast tumor

Bilateral pseudo breast etc.


Mastitis is the inflammation(infection) of breast tissue, which results in pain, swelling, warmth and redness of the breast. It commonly affects women who are breast-feeding, although sometimes this condition can occur in women who aren't breast-feeding.


It may be caused by:

A blocked milk duct. If a breast doesn't completely empty at feedings, one of the milk ducts can become clogged, causing milk to back up, which leads to breast infection.

Bacteria entering your breast. Bacteria from skin's surface and baby's mouth can enter the milk ducts through a break or crack in the skin of nipple or through a milk duct opening. Bacteria can multiply, leading to infection.


The signs and symptoms usually appear suddenly and they include:

Breast tenderness or warmth to the touch

General malaise or feeling ill

Swelling of the breast

Pain or a burning sensation continuously or while breast-feeding

Skin redness, often in a wedge-shaped pattern


Some may also experience flu-like symptoms such as:


Shivering and chills

Feeling anxious or stressed



Mastitis can be effectively treated at home. Rest, drinking plenty of fluids and, if necessary, adjusting your breastfeeding technique, may be all that is needed.

Although the symptoms of mastitis may discourage you from breastfeeding, it is important that you try to continue. Regular breastfeeding will help:

To remove any blocked breast milk from your breast

To resolve symptoms of mastitis more quickly

To prevent mastitis from becoming more serious

In severe cases it might also be treated with antibiotics and pain medications.