Season Changes-Beware of Your Nose and Throat!
Nose and throat issues will frequent us every time when season changes. The air quality drops along with the temperature and air moisture. Rhinitis, nasal sinusitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis turn out to be the most common E.N.T. symptoms in autumn and winter.
Facing with such harsh upcoming enemies, we are not supposed to sit back and relax. Instead, we need take precautions and consult the doctor when it is necessary. Today we've invited E.N.T. specialist Dr. Guo to share a few tips on how to protect ourselves from some unwanted nose and throat issues.
1. Rhinitis
Rhinitis is irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Common symptoms are a stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, and post-nasal drip. The inflammation is caused by viruses, bacteria, irritants or allergens.
In order to make the inhaled air warmer and moister, nasal mucosa must secrete more fluids. But people who has a sensitive physique will be easily infected in the meantime. Besides, the multiplication of bacteria, dust mite and allergens in autumn is the main inducement to rhinitis.
As regards prevention and treatment, we need
1. Strengthen our body by doing more exercises
2. Maintain modest indoor temperature and moisture
3. Quit smoking and restrain from drinking so as to reduce irritation to nasal mucosa
4. Wear mask when in the open air, and avoid allergens
5. Wash nasal cavity after waking up in the morning and bathe feet for 20 minutes every evening.
Besides, for different types of rhinitis, medications and treatments would be different. So please go ask the doctor for details.
2. Nasal sinusitis
In autumn and winter, nasosinusitis, often resulted from common cold, would easily infect us. Common symptoms are stuffy nose and headaches, with most of the patients feeling painful when they inhale in the cold air especially in winter. Given the extreme inconvenience brought about by such a disease, we must take actions.
Doctor Guo suggests us
1. Do more exercises to build up our body
2. Keep a standard moisture and temperature indoors
3. Stay from smoking, drinking and spicy food
4. Keep ourselves in a buoyant mood and avoid defatigation
5. Pay attention to nasal health and nose massages are advised
6. follow the doctor’s advice and use medications in time
3. Tonsillitis
When autumn breeze starts blowing and spoils us with cool and fresh air, parents in the meantime must be on the alert for kids’ tonsillitis. Hospitals will be receiving more tonsillitis patients when temperature suddenly drops, according to doctor Guo. Children, owing to their low immunity, will be in need of special preventive measures and care.
By the way, as reminders, for children with a fever, taking medications timely is important. Take physical methods instead of febrifuge when body temperature is lower than 38.5℃; must go consulting a doctor when body temperature exceeds 38.5℃.
4. Pharyngitis
As the air turns cooler and drier in autumn and winter, pharyngitis is not uncommon and can be easily found in the following occupations — teacher, actor/actress, commentator and worker in cement or paper mills.
Doctor Guo thinks that the descending air quality is the main factor for pharyngitis, particularly under the following circumstances:
1. Enclosed office buildings or places with foul air
2. Rooms with a lot of dust and mycete
3. Confined environment with irritative smell like mosquito-repellent incense, paint, etc.
Apart from individual hygiene and room ventilation, visiting the doctor is also necessary when it comes to eradication of the disease. Never underestimate pharyngitis. If not cured over a long time, it can lead to severe diseases like heart attack, pleuritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis and laryngocarcinoma.
Dr. Guo Peng
Department: E.N.T.
Dr. Guo has more than 20 years of E.N.T. clinical experience. He has gained rich clinical experience when he studied at The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, 301 Hospital and E.N.T. Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University.
He specializes in endoscopic sinus surgery, nasal septum correction, fiberoptic laryngoscopy, vocal nodules, vocal cord polypectomy, plasmablade tonsillectomy, adenoid ablation, Laser ablation of inferior turbinate, anterior ethmoid neural blockade and sleep apnea syndrome treatment.
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